Harvest With a Twist ✨

Harvest Lock

The typical farm with harvest lock will look like the following:

  • Users start staking as early as possible

  • Wait for 5-7 days to harvest their unreasonably high amount of tokens

  • Dump all their tokens once harvest is unlocked

  • Price plummeted down

  • Conclusion: Once harvest is unlocked, everyone will start dumping all together

Over here in Luna Finance, we will also be implementing a harvest lock mechanism of 3 days harvest lock with 1 day harvest unlock.

This is where things start to be different.

During the harvest lock, instead of harvesting ALL the tokens, users will start off with 0% to harvest. As time progresses, users will be able to harvest a higher % of their harvest and eventually before the end of the 1 day harvest unlock, users will be able to harvest ALL of their tokens. We call this unique model, Seeping Harvest.

This way, there is a mind game put in place since there is no ideal timing to harvest because harvesting early may no longer be the most profitable method.

Do note that every time user harvest their token, the timer will reset and the following harvest will be based on the new % of the remaining harvest available Do read up on this unique feature in-depth here!

Last updated